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Medicare Part A

Medicare Part A

Medicare Part A Eligibility:

  • Medicare Part A is offered by the federal government and covers hospital care, skilled nursing facilities (excluding custodial or long-term care), hospice care, and certain home health care services.
  • Eligibility for Medicare Part A includes:
    • U.S. citizens or permanent, legal residents of the United States.
    • Individuals who are 65 years old or turning 65.
    • People under 65 with certain disabilities.
    • Individuals with End-Stage Renal Disease.

Enrollment in Medicare Part A:

  • Most people are automatically enrolled in Medicare Part A during their Initial Enrollment Period (IEP).
  • Automatic enrollees receive their Medicare card approximately three months before turning 65 (or the 25th month of disability).
  • Some individuals may need to actively sign up for Medicare Part A if they are not collecting Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board benefits.
  • For those who missed their Initial Enrollment Period and do not have a special circumstance to enroll midstream, they can sign up during the General Enrollment Period (GEP), which occurs annually from January 1st to March 31st.
  • Coverage for those enrolling during the GEP begins on July 1st of that year.

You can address these limitations by opting for a Medicare Supplemental Plan or Medicare Advantage Plan. For inquiries about Medicare Plan A or to explore more about your plan choices, please reach out to our team of Medicare experts at Avid.